"Don't make me want to kill you."
Words no one should ever hear. But what happens when you do? And what happens when it's from someone... you love? In 1998, as New York City entered a golden era of revitalization, an eager young man set his sights on the future, trying to move past the heartache of his past. Full of promise and dreams of artistic success, he found himself falling helplessly and completely in love. But this joy ride through the dazzling days of youth in a glittering gay mecca quickly turned dark, bringing him face-to-face with an inescapable, tortured reality.
Told against the backdrop of a gay NYC in the late 1990s, Rob Rosiello's story sheds light on the rarely spoken taboo of domestic abuse within the community. This is a tale of survival, rebirth, and resilience, exploring a young man's journey to find his voice amidst the shadows of loss and hardship. What do you do when someone says, "Don't make me want to kill you?" You fight. You fight like hell until your voice and story overpower the roar of those demons from your past.