'From Loss to The AfterLife' is a personal and restorative aid to Loss & Grief with the comforting clarity of an AfterLife experience through personal and channelled familiarities . Loss of a pet, precious object health, beauty or the many losses endured by us throughout life, can affect children and even babies. I purposefully leave Loss of a Loved One until a later chapter, not because I couldn't face it, although I have found Loss of our parents to be unlike any other passing, but because it encompasses all Losses. An evolving Metaphysical happening which, in time, can become something rather wonderfully fulfilling, if we can accept and go with a process which is transferred out of our hands and into our hearts and minds. Our connection with our Beloved has a different energy now by which we can reconnect. Through trust and belief, creative loving feelings can again be reciprocated through this transformative re connection. Our love can live on eternally.