Addiction is such that once it grabs you, you can not let go, even if you want to !
The pull of addiction of is such, that you are drawn to it like a moth to the flame !
Once addicted, your very being is ruled by the object of your addiction.
Your every thought, your every act, your every desire is driven by the object of your addiction.
Addiction is such that a turn of phrase, a scent, a word, a sound, a colour ? anything and everything - reminds you of your object of addiction.
Devotion to God, according to Devarshi Narad's Bhakti Sutra, needs to be of that level ? ADDICTION.
There are 11 different types of devotions and "addiction" is the culmination of them all ! Once a devotee is addicted to God, complete devotion is a foregone conclusion. Devotee can't help it ! Like a bee drawn to a fresh blossom, or a fish to its food, miser to money or new lovers to each other, the devotee is drawn, even against his / her will, towards God.
When Shri Uddhavji came to lecture the gopies on the finer points of philosophy, he was so impressed by their addiction to Krushna, he became their ardent student on the finer point of how to become an addict to Krushna.
It is this "addiction - vyasana" that I aspire to !
My 54 poems are translated in English, Spanish and German.