A retired nurse, a mother of two, and a loving husband Suzanne has it all. All except a sex life. With the nest about to empty, Suzanne's attentions are on her husband and those well-earned autumn years, but suspicion is forming. Are things where they should be? Is he happy with their life? And, if not, what can they do to work on a problem that has gone undiagnosed for years?
Based on real research into the sexless marriage phenomenon and with the classic twist of a Shawna Hunter novel, A Sexless Marriage works through the stages of Suspicion, Diagnosis, Research, Practice, Implementation, and Analysis with positivity and fun to explore a time of life that is all too often neglected in erotica. Sex isn't just for hot, twenty-something billionaires.
This is a story about real people, real problems, and real solutions. Marriage doesn't have to grow stale and bland, it's easy to forget the sex when hormones aren't raging but you can spice things up again together with your lifelong partner.