Harmony Meets the World is an adventurous, magical, and educational chapter book series for young readers. The series features eight-year-old explorer Harmony Riley Cruz. In each book, Harmony's magic binoculars transport her to a festival around the world. During her adventure, she meets a new local friend, soaks in the culture, and learns about the unique festival. Plus, she always finds a special connection to home.
From the vibrant music and dancing of the Sun Festival in Peru to the glowing lights of Diwali in India, an exploration of a lifetime awaits!
Book 1: Cusco, Peru for Inti Raymi
Book 2: Tokyo, Japan for Obon Festival
Book 3: India for Diwali
Book 4: Lyons, France for Fête des Lumières
Book 1
The chase is on! When Harmony's magic binoculars transport her to the Sun Festival in Cusco, Peru, she discovers she has a long-lost relic. Can Harmony and her new friend, Apichu, return it to the Inca emperor before the festival ends? Or will it be too late?
During Harmony's epic adventure, she learns about the Inca culture, the local Quechua language, and discovers more about the Sun Festival. And you can, too!
This book includes bonus material:
* Make your own mini-language book
* Festival facts
* Glossary
* And more!
For teacher and parent resources & activities visit: harmonymeetstheworld.com