In a distant corner of the cosmos, on an advanced planet known as Newel, a hero is created using super science.This hero is named Gar-A and his destiny is driven by a freak occurrence with a black hole. He finds himself seemingly stranded on a distant planet called Earth, a strange place that exists in a parallel dimension away from his home world. Newelians look like humans, but this is where the similarities end. Made of an incredibly dense molecular structure, they are gifted with incredible strength and durability. Their superior mental capacities and half-millennium life span make them astonishingly powerful.On Earth, Gar-A becomes known as Major Alpha, the premier costumed hero of his age. He follows his heart, and soon, he and his human wife, Kate, build a life and family together. Their son, Mik, lives a life most fanboys can only dream of in their four-color fantasies. Mik, considered a power-normal, dreams of glory as he strives to make the most of his small portion of Newelian abilities. A tragic first outing opens young Miks eyes to a series of revelations about his fathers legacy, as his dream of being a superhero becomes a twisted nightmare.If he is to realize his fate, Mik must find the courage to escape the dark shadow of his father. As he makes new allies and enemies, he finds himself forced to pursue his own path toward a greater destiny.