Decluttering the House: Winning your Never Ending Battle with Stuff
You don't have to live overwhelmed by stuff--you can get rid of clutter for good!
This book is not for some organizing expert or a minimalist guru. It's for the regular person, like and me who needs to de-stress. It's for those of us who need some headspace to unwind and focus on the good things in life. It is for those of us who need to say goodbye to things we do not need and do not use. This book begins your journey towards a life of reducing your dependence of minimalism, of reducing waste, of bringing you a new focus in life as well as in creating a greater sense of gratitude towards the things in life.
This book offers tips and step-by-steps in the decluttering process based on rooms as well as based on people. The benefits of decluttering can be gained by anyone and it will open your eyes to the potential of minimalism.
As long as we're living and breathing, new clutter will appear. The good news is that decluttering can get easier, become more natural, and require significantly fewer hours, less emotional bandwidth, and little to no sweat to keep going.