What happens when it all hits the fan? Are you ready? What would it take for you to be ready?
If you struggle to answer those questions, then you need to get prepared, right now.
Disasters do not arrive on a scheduled timetable and they do not announce themselves politely. They come when they want and they hit hard and fast and put people, cities, and even whole countries at risk. If you are unprepared, your survival will be at the will of fate. If that's acceptable, don't buy this book. But if you're like me, leaving your life in someone else's hands or up to fate is utterly unacceptable. If that's so, you need this book to discover the 33 most important things to stockpile.
This guide book will detail the necessary preps and items for any person to survive a crisis. Some of this is common sense, but much of what I share in this book are things people don't really consider until it's too late.
This guidebook can help you prepare for a disaster we hope never comes. But as well we all know; it is far better to be prepared and never need these skills, than to desperately need them and not have them.