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Anti-Aging Hacks (Asp, Karen)
Anti-Aging Hacks
Untertitel 200+ Ways to Feel--and Look--Younger
Autor Asp, Karen
Verlag Simon + Schuster LLC
Sprache Englisch
Mediaform Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2019
Seiten 256 S.
Artikelnummer 28453192
ISBN 978-1-5072-0957-8
Plattform EPUB
Kopierschutz DRM Adobe
CHF 11.60
Preserve your looks and your health with these 200+ easy strategies to age-proof your body and mind. Are signs of agingor even just worrying about signs of agingtaking their toll on you? In Anti-Aging Hacks, you'll find more than 200 easy, actionable tips and exercises you can implement right away to help age-proof your body and mind. Through straightforward, easy-to-understand language, you'll learn how to preserve your appearance and health, as well as combat or preventthe most common ailments, conditions, and risks associated with aging. From protecting your skin from wrinkles and fortifying your diet, to strengthening your body with fun and easy exercises and staying mentally sharp with stimulating activities, to preserving a youthful glow, you'll find all you need to know to stay healthy, strong, sharp, and youthful for years to come. A selection of anti-aging hacks include: -Sleeping on your back to reduce wrinkles -Wearing sunglasses to help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration -Slowing aging and improve health through intermittent fasting -Using skincare products with retinol -Reading for 30 minutes a day to increase your life span Embrace Anti-Aging Hacks as your own personal fountain of youthin handy guidebook form!
Autor: Asp, Karen

Karen Asp