This volume is the completely reset Second Edition of Jeanne Marie Neumann's A College Companion (Focus, 2008). It offers a running exposition, in English, of the Latin grammar covered in Hans H. ørberg's Familia Romana , and includes the complete text of the ørberg ancillaries Grammatica Latina and Latin--English Vocabulary . It also serves as a substitute for ørberg's Latine Disco , on which it is based. As it includes no exercises, however, it is not a substitute for the ørberg ancillary Exercitia Latina I . Though designed especially for those approaching Familia Romana at an accelerated pace, this volume will be useful to anyone seeking an explicit layout of Familia Romana 's inductively-presented grammar. In addition to many revisions of the text, the Second Edition also includes new units on cultural context, tied to the narrative content of the chapter.