Not, your typical terminally-ill novel, God's Adjust'n my Wings will take you on a spiritual journey, with Patricia A. King-Brown, as she and her children wait in anticipation for God to accept her. Patricia, dear mother, powerful prayer warrior, woman after God's own heart, and disciplinary matriarch queen, is waiting to go home. Her nine children have agreed anonymously that they must do just that, get mama home before it is too late. Each will capture your very heart, befriending you as well, as they reminisce over how their mother's strict natural upbringing was really instilling an spiritual ram of influence into their lives individually and collectively. Unbeknownst to them, though most of the time their mother appears in a comatose like state, she is listening and clinging to their every word. It's amazing her, at this crucial period in her life to hear how much they did or didn't listen to what the Lord wanted her to plant into their spirits. You are guaranteed to get drawn into every page as their experiences growing up on Detroit's eastside, from the 60's into the 21st century, capture you, even reminding you of some of the very comments or saying your own parents or grandparents used; that may have made an impact on who you are today. Come share in their tenderness and amusement and allow God to heal your own spiritual being as you travel with Patricia's thoughts, as they invade each of her children's hilarious sagas right up until the very end...