Make your own fuel, for a fraction of what you would pay at the pump.
Small-scale home biodiesel production holds a singular attraction for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. While perhaps it can't save the world, this unique renewable fuel is economical, fun to make, better for the environment, and will help you reduce your dependence on Big Oil. And getting started is easier than you think.
Backyard Biodiesel is written by two recognized experts in the field of small-scale biofuels. This comprehensive hands-on, practical, DIY guide includes:
- The basics of small-scale brewing-recipes, strategies, and technologies
- Advanced backyard analytics and troubleshooting
- Safety considerations and regulatory issues
- Topping up the tank-how to put your biodiesel to work for you.
Making your own fuel is not only possible, it is rewarding. Designed to be accessible to everyone from readers with no prior technical expertise to alternative energy buffs, Backyard Biodiesel is a must-read for any aspiring brewer, packed with everything you need to get up and running quickly and safely.
Make your own fuel, for a fraction of what you would pay at the pump
Small biodiesel producers have always been the most creative and enthusiastic problem solvers. This book presents the accumulated experience of two of the field's most experienced and authoritative practitioners. They not only guide you through the steps of making your own fuel, but make you excited to get started.
-Jon Van Gerpen, Chair and Professor of Biological Engineering, University of Idaho
Small-scale home biodiesel production holds a singular attraction for any do-it-yourself enthusiast who wants to reduce their dependence on Big Oil. This unique renewable fuel is economical, fun to make, and better for the environment. And getting started is easier than you think.
Backyard Biodiesel is written by two recognized experts in the field of small-scale biofuels. This comprehensive hands-on, practical, DIY guide includes:
- The basics of small-scale brewing – recipes, strategies, and technologies
- Advanced backyard analytics and troubleshooting
- Safety considerations and regulatory issues
- Topping up the tank – how to put your biodiesel to work for you.
Designed to be accessible to everyone from readers with no prior technical expertise to alternative energy buffs, Backyard Biodiesel is, packed with everything you need to get up and running quickly and safely. A must-read for any aspiring brewer.
Lyle Estill is the president and co-founder of Piedmont Biofuels and the author of Industrial Evolution , Small is Possible , and Small Stories, Big Changes . He has won numerous awards for his commitment to sustainability, outreach, community development and leadership.
Bob Armantrout helped manage four commercial biodiesel plants before joining Piedmont Biofuels in 2007. He worked as an instructor at Central Carolina Community College, where he spearheaded an innovative two-year biofuels degree program.
To help bring you the very best inspiration and information about greener, more sustainable lifestyles, Mother Earth News is recommending select New Society Publishers books to its readers. This book is one of them.
Considering the dozens of books and zines about biodiesel, the hundreds of workshops held, and the thousands of pages of online discussion, it is a wonder this is the first time our collective knowledge about backyard biodiesel production has been gathered into an easy to read, how-to resource. Piedmont is a commercial operation with a homebrewer heritage. Bob and Lyle bring wisdom born of experience that few else in the industry can, written with grace and humor. This is a must read for the biodiesel nerd. It will sit on my bookshelf between my signed copy of Martin Mittelbach and my faded girlMark zine.
---Matt Rudolf, former Executive Director of Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative and ongoing B100 user
Small biodiesel producers have always been the most creative and enthusiastic problem solvers. This book presents the accumulated experience of two of the field's most experienced and authoritative practitioners. They not only guide you through the steps of making your own fuel, but make you excited to get started.
---Jon Van Gerpen, Chair and Professor, Biological Engineering, University of Idaho
At last! A biofuel book that is realistic about global supply potential while being hands-on useful to the backyard or garage enthusiast. Though some first-generation biodiesel books were hampered by hype and misinformation, Estill and Armantrout get it right.
---Richard Heinberg, author, Afterburn
Lyle Estill and Bob Armantrout are some of the absolute best minds in the business when it comes to making biodiesel. Whether it's at a small scale level in your garage or a full-blown commercial biodiesel plant, these guys really know their stuff! Having a book written by these two on how to make biodiesel (and how to avoid all the mistakes along the way) is like having them right beside you. The writing is quick and easy to follow, and the chemistry explanations are great. We highly recommend it as a great book to anyone interested in making their own biodiesel, regardless of the scale.
---Graydon Blair, President, Utah Biodiesel Supply
While the economic climate may not be ripe for commercial biodiesel production, it is an essential science whose art must not be forgotten purely due to lack of profitability. Having themselves ridden the commercial roller coaster many times, the combined experience of these two authors along with their entertaining rhetoric provide a sound source for safe community-scale biodiesel production to promote clean domestic fuel production and build resilient communities.
---C. David Thornton - Clemson University Facilities Coordinator for Organics Recycling and Biofuels Programs.