A volume in Research and Theory in Educational Administration
Series Editors: Wayne K. Hoy, The Ohio State University
and Michael DiPaola, The College of William and Mary
Leading Research in Educational Administration: A Festschrift for Wayne K. Hoy is the tenth in a
series on research and theory dedicated to advancing our understanding of schools through empirical study
and theoretical analysis that was initiated by Wayne and Cecil G. Miskel. This tenth anniversary edition
honors and celebrates the research leadership Wayne has provided in the field of educational administration
through his distinguished career. The festschrift is organized around the analysis of school contexts and
includes constructs Wayne and his protégés have studied and researched: climate, trust, efficacy, academic
optimism, organizational citizenship, and mindfulness. It concludes with the work of colleagues on the salient
contemporary issues of innovation, power, leadership succession, and several others focused on improving schools. Chapter authors all have close
connections to Wayne - former students and their students, as well as colleagues and friends.
This series on Theory and Research in Educational Administration is about understanding schools. We welcome articles and analyses that
explain school organizations and administration. We are interested in the "why" questions about schools. To that end, case analyses, surveys, large
data base analyses, experimental studies, and theoretical analyses are all welcome. We provide the space for authors to do comprehensive analyses
where that is appropriate and useful. We believe that the Theory and Research in Educational Administration Series has the potential to make an
important contribution to our field, but we will be successful only if our colleagues continue to join us in this mission. So join with us; let us hear from
you if you have theory and research that will enlighten our understanding of schools.